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Showing posts from 2009



sobre a desigualdade entre os homens

escrever sobre escrever II

Escrevemos para apanhar momentos importantes. Mas acabamos por andar à procura de momentos para escrever. Porque os momentos em que escrevemos são outros que não aqueles que queremos agarrar.

Escrever sobre escrever I

Quando escrevo exclusivamente em Inglês há (palavras que desaparecem e com elas) ideias, acções, coisas que (se perdem e) ficam há solta sem palavras que as contenham. (Palavras como ‘escorrer’, namorar, ...)


I've always felt wordless when it snowed. Apart from that day in Celorico when it snowed and I went for a long walk with my friends gathering people along the way and ending up with some 30 people. But I was 13 then. So thanks to Stuart Jeffries for this article .

Against the euro the pound was down; against the kilo the pound was also down

After the fall of the pound (£), the toll is not closed yet. With less £s in their pockets, Britons will be traveling less and for shorter distances. This has caused an increase in the use of decimals for measuring distances, which may precipitate the devaluation of the mile. A spokesperson for the Institute of Preservation of Britishness declared, "even if the mile drops below the kilometer it will still be our measure of distance. And the good news is that this year fewer of us will go through the awkward experience of driving on the right lane". But there are more bad news. The government is considering, in order to avoid inflation, to deflate the values of the pound (lb) and the pint. This way, for the same amount of money, we would be able to buy the same nominal weight of mince and volume of milk and beer. Questioned if the change was mere cosmetics, the chancellor of the exchequer replied "as long as we have our own instruments of measurement we will use them as t...

Understanding the financial crisis

An interesting account of the people and places stirring the financial world from London. It's on BBC TV and can be watched here . Beautifully shot which in this case helps in making the complexities of the financial world understandable.