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Showing posts from May, 2017

Screen Vertigo

Here I am, on top of a building in Hong Kong facing three kids who hold a selfie stick. It's making me go vertigo big time. I feel it in my chest, alongside my admiration for the fact that their legs don’t tremble like mine. In a second the picture of my kids pops up just as I close the browser. And it’s another strong stream of emotions that flushes through my body. A body that is still sitting on the same chair in Caffe Nero.


Propelled by perpetual churning  the city pulsates. i t throbs. e nticing its residents  to fight expulsion,  to desire being digested  by its never ending swirl.  that pushes its objects  through made up circuits,  uneven spirals.  T he long tails of movements and transactions  trace intricate filigrees in the urban atmosphere,  new non-linear axes  that become a new order  for reason. As we forget the square lines that never existed we find new ways of pressing onto uneven surfaces, of moving through volumetric spaces, of perceiving time in matter, of meddling with the uncanny. As if we had finally realised that what we perceive as forms and feelings are nothing but temporary entanglements of wider strings, propagating in spacetime geometries across the planet... and beyond.